
Showing posts from June, 2019

Crazy Me

I cried. After a long long time, I cried. How does it feel when someone you think of, every single day, doesn't exist anymore? I felt it today. When someone mentioned in a WhatsApp group that Crazy Mohan was no more, I refused to believe it. I immediately googled, and came across a tweet that he was doing just fine, recovering in a hospital. A few minutes later, there were media reports, and I still refused. But the moment was short-lived. A few tweets of first-person accounts confirmed his demise. Tears welled up that very second, and I got off my chair at work, crying all the way. Downing a few glasses of water didn't help, and I was nearly choking, as much to a concerned colleague checking one me. I said I was fine, and masking my tears, got out of the building to get some fresh air. It took me a full 15 minutes to come out of it, reading others' experiences, prayers and eulogies, including sharing mine. It's been an odd day, to say the least. Apoorva Sagodharar