திருச்சிற்றஸ்பழம் - ripen

So I wrote, what I hoped was, a வெண்பா... but the only problem was - the rules seemed to disagree.
Since I didn't have to study Tamil grammar (aka 2nd paper) in school, I never learnt any, despite a growing interest later in life. Not to say claim I wrote poetry, per se, but whatever I wrote, was all simply out of hearsay and reading than any learning. அப்படியே யாராவது ஏதாவது கேட்டா 'புதுக்கவிதை'-ன்னு சொல்லி சமாளிச்சுக்கலாம்-னு ஒரு எண்ணம்.

அதெல்லாம் சரி, ஆனா முதலில் 'கவிதை'-ன்னு ஒத்துக்கணுமே!

Veeba himself dropped me a message of encouragement and suggested that I read up on வெண்டளை. It sounded more like a WOTD for me! I wanted to read up, but was busy, and later traveling, among other things. A couple of days later, he DM'ed again to ask if I had read up. I had to confess in the negative. But nonetheless, he was still encouraging, and while we were discussing another வெண்பா I had attempted, he mentioned Avalokitam.

The following weekend, I checked it out - it seemed quite friendly, but I still didn't understand what it was trying to help me with. A quick search got me onto the Wiki pages, and along with them, the paper referenced therein, were immensely helpful. And that's how, at the ripe age of 30, I understood நேர்-நேர்-தேமா, நிரை-நேர்-புளிமா, etc., which my mom used to mention whenever this topic came up. If only we ever listened to our mothers...

And once I understood this, along with சீர், அடி, I heaved a sai of relief at finally being able to be helped by Avalokitam - Veeba said, "it would puttu puttu vachufy your mistakes", and it can't be any truer! It's to be seen to be believed. And thus, with its great help, I could finally make my works conform to the rules. It even told me the metres they conformed to! Still, they might be crappy, but at least they're legit!


அருகிடா தின்னல் அலறிப் கலைய
சிறுகிடா செல்வம் அவனிக் கருள
பருகிடா மாமதுவின் மேலாக
இன்பம் தருகடாரங் கா!
(இது வெண்டுறை!)

கடுகொடு மஞ்சளு மோர்துளி தெப்பக்
கடலொடு போர்தொடு பேரலை உப்பக்
கிளறிப் பிறவியில் ஊறியே காய்ந்திட
இன்பம் தருகடாரங் கா!
(இது பல விகற்ப இன்னிசை வெண்பா!)

I did consider changing the metre altogether, but wanted to retain the இன்பம் தருகடாரங் கா, just to invoke ரங்கா. Hopefully, he isn't so displeased with this.

So, there goes my first proper attempt at poetry, thanks to Avalokitam, and of course to Veeba! Oh, and do check out its author, the brilliant Mr. Vinodh. He probably deserves a post just for himself, but since I can't do justice to it, I'll pass.

Since you've read (/scrolled) this far, you might also be interested in: veeba's வெண்பாs


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